Indoor Tether Training


We want to be very clear here: we are not discussing tethering a dog outdoors in the yard. This is a training tool that you can use in your home. Tethering is a valuable management technique for controlling a dog's movement in specific situations until they can develop self-control.

A tether is a leash connected to various anchoring points like a doorknob, a table leg, or an eyebolt in the wall.

Whenever you require your dog to exhibit more restraint in a particular scenario, consider tethering them.

It's beneficial to place a dog bed or another mat near the tethered spot to indicate the preferred location for them to be.

While tethered, offer chew toys to engage their attention and occasionally reward them for being quiet or settled in that area.

Situations where tethering may be useful include:

  1. During human meal times.

  2. When you have a visitor who prefers not to interact with dogs.

  3. When a delivery arrives at the front door.

  4. When you are engaging in an activity and do not want interruptions (watching TV, working on a craft, cooking dinner, etc.).

  5. Whenever you wish your dog to remain quiet and out of the way without isolating them in another room or their crate.

For many dogs, tethering is merely a means to reach a goal. Over time, they learn to "go to your place" in such situations, especially when they receive consistent rewards for doing so.


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