Donations help
us save lives.
RAL runs entirely on the generosity of our donors.
Donations of any size help us save lives.

How donations help
Monthly giving is the easiest way to ensure that vulnerable animals receive the help they need and find loving homes year after year. When you sign up for monthly giving, you become a RAL PAL, committed to helping us ensure that hope is provided to as many animals as possible.
Become a RAL Pal
Monthly donors will receive a special RAL PAL magnet and bumper sticker, early access to our special events, the opportunity to name one RAL dog or cat each year and quarterly impact updates. Become a PAL today and select “make this a recurring donation” on the form below.

Our Wishlists
Want to donate supplies? View our Wish List Page to see what items are currently needed. You can also donate directly through our Amazon Charity Lists: Shelter Wishlist /Loving Spay+Neuter Clinic Wishlist or our Chewy Wish List
Donate your car
Donate your vehicle through CARS. They take care of everything from the pick-up and sale to sending you the donation receipt and necessary tax documents.
Use the button below to get to RAL’s car donation page and donate your car to help pets in need!
Your Donation’s Impact
$10 a month can provide antibiotics for 12 dogs with upper respiratory infections a year
$25 a month can microchip 36 puppies over a year
$50 a month will help spay or neuter 12 kittens a year
$100 a month can provide initial vaccines for 24 animals a year
$150 a month can provide food for all dogs at RAL for 12 weeks
Make a Donation to RAL
Pawprint Society
The Pawprint Society honors supporters who are committed to a legacy of lifesaving support through bequest or planned giving. A bequest to RAL in your estate plans can provide a charitable tax deduction which alleviates the tax burden for your family.
There are several ways to designate RAL as an estate beneficiary:
Include a bequest in your will or revocable trust
Designate RAL as a full, partial or contingent beneficiary of your retirement account
Name RAL as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy
Members of the Pawprint Society receive:
Exclusive invitations to annual/semi-annual happy hours with organization updates and opportunities to interact with staff and board members
Exclusive semi-annual Executive Director message
Recognition (or anonymity if preferred)
A Pawprint Society pin
The satisfaction of contributing to RAL’s long-term growth and future
A hand in expanding the reach of the planned giving program at RAL
Please join the Pawprint Society if you have chosen to include RAL in your plans. Your legacy doesn’t have to begin at the end!
Information on this form will not be made public.
Thank you to the current members of the Pawprint Society!
Mark P. and Caron B. Paniccia
Phyllis Price
Rob and Laura Davidson
Becky Reil and Ray Leonard
Jill B Boyle
Christine Wheeler