What to do if you Find Kittens

Did you know there is such a thing as Kitten Season? Every Spring and Summer kittens are born all over Central Virginia and while some of them may need assistance from humans, many of them are just fine because they are with their mother.

So, what should you do if you find kittens?

First thing’s first, before removing them from the area you need to make sure that mom is not around. Kittens have the highest chance of survival with their mom. Mother knows best, so for now Leave Them Be.

When you come across a kitten or a litter of kittens alone outdoors, you may feel the need to scoop them up and take them inside- but that might not be the best thing for them. Make sure that there is no mom cat around. Mom will leave her kittens during the day to find food for herself. Do not hover over the kittens while waiting to see if mom comes back. She may not approach her kittens if there are humans nearby.


Resources for taking care of orphan kittens:

Determining Kittens’ Gender

Kitten Health

If a kitten appears to be sick or injured you should contact a veterinarian to get them treatment.


Spay & Neuter at our Loving Spay & Neuter Clinic

Where there are kittens, there are un-sterilized cats. Richmond Animal League's Loving Spay & Neuter Clinic provides spay/neuter services for the public.

With the help of donations and a generous grant from The Community Foundation of greater Richmond, we are able to provide free spay/neuter to feral cats in the community.

Learn more here.


Dog Behavior


Lost & Found Pets