Join in our

RAL Partners

RAL relies on a community of supporters to continue our lifesaving mission of providing hope, help, and homes to pets in need. We have 3 types of partners who help us with this mission:

  • Shelter Partners

  • Annual Partners

  • Event Partners

Learn more about each type below.

Shelter Partners

Shelter Partners are animal control and other shelter/rescue partners that we work closely with to transfer pets into RAL’s care to find them new, loving homes.

If you want to become a shelter partner, please complete the form below.

Types of Partners

Annual Partners

Annual Partners are recognized for their ongoing commitment to supporting RAL's mission. Annual Partners play a significant role in helping RAL reduce the homeless pet population in Virginia.

Become an Annual Partner by sponsoring at least 3 of RAL's signature events. Email to learn more!

Event Partners

Event Partners support RAL by sponsoring one or more of our signature events or by hosting their own third-party fundraising event to benefit RAL.

To learn more about becoming a sponsor for a Signature RAL event or hosting a third-party event, click below to visit our Events Page.
