On December 21 the RAL Shelter Glowed
During this year’s luminary ceremony, the Richmond Animal League shelter glowed with beautiful luminaries lit as tribute to the special pets and people our RAL family holds near and dear in their hearts.
It was a touching end to our 2 week Operation Silent Night adoption event, during which we sent every RAL pet into a loving, adoptive or foster home. One hundred and forty-three pets were adopted during this event.

was onsite to sell + sign copies of her latest story published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Your 10 Keys to Happiness. The story is about Georgie, an incredible beagle pup Lauren adopted from RAL in 2015. Books will be $15/each with proceeds to benefit Richmond Animal League.

The night started with words from our Shelter Director, Ciera Jenkins, highlighting the amazing work RAL has accomplished in 2022. We then heard from Larry Eason, our Executive Director, who expanded on those accomplishments and listed the many things we have coming up in 2023 to look forward to.
Larry handed it off to Christy Harman, who spoke about what our pets bring to our lives and then lead us in a blessing of the animals. We then sang a RAL version of “Silent Night” with guitar and violin accompaniment from Henry Horwitz and Emily Acuto.
After singing (and crying a little) we all moved into the shelter to see it brilliantly aglow with luminaries and fairy lights. Poinsettias donated by Lisa from Great Big Greenhouse were placed throughout the shelter. There were more tears as guests found the luminaries for their precious loved ones, but you could also hear stories and remembrances as they reflected on how that special pet or person had touched their lives. Some of these losses were fresh and raw, and others had some time to heal, but the impact was the same.
Seeing so many people gather to share in this experience was a beautiful end to Operation Silent Night and to the year. Knowing that we have this large community of animal lovers behind us will help us to start 2023 strong; ready to save even more lives in the new year.
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To view a video of the 2022 RAL Luminary Ceremony
To view more photos of the event and individual photos of each luminary, please visit our 2022 Luminary Ceremony Facebook Album.