RAL’s 2024 Dog Mascot!

Written by Marty’s guardian Jill Boyle
It was a typical crisp mid-November day when our transport arrived in Lynchburg to pick up homeless pups making their way from Southwest VA to the loving safety at RAL.
We were greeted by the the driver, holding a little, black, matted ball of fur. Her “hitchhiker” whom she hoped we could make room for back at the shelter. He had been pulled from “death row” and the adopter they had lined up just turned out not to be an appropriate match.
We called the shelter, but unfortunately, there was no space available. The rest is history!
This little man really touched my heart. Despite my better judgment (two dogs, three cats, foster at home with no meet and greet or cat test, etc.), I agreed to personally take him. There was no way he was going back to where he came from. This was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. I never second-guessed or looked back.
Marty was my rock. My little man was the sweetest, kindest, happiest soul I have ever known. He was always there for me, my pack, and any foster who crossed our path.
He never complained. Though congenital eye issues caused almost total blindness, collapsed trachea, heart, and kidney failure Marty was his sweet, kind, funny adorable self for the 14+ years he was part of my home.
He succumbed to his illness last summer at 17.5 years old. There isn’t a day where his presence isn’t sorely missed. Love you, Marty Man💕
Thank you Just Flash Me Studio for photographing Marty for her RAL Mascot debut!