The Importance of Microchipping and Keeping Information Updated


Every year on August 15, pet owners are reminded of the vital role that microchipping plays in ensuring the safety and return of their beloved pets. At Richmond Animal League (RAL), we can't stress enough the importance of not only microchipping your pet but also keeping the contact information on the chip up to date.

Why Microchip Your Pet?

Microchipping is a simple and effective way to permanently identify your pet. Unlike collars and tags, which can break or fall off, a microchip is a small, rice-sized device implanted under your pet's skin that remains there for life. This chip contains a unique identification number that, when scanned, links to your contact information in a pet recovery database.

Here are some key reasons why microchipping is crucial:

  • Permanent Identification: Unlike other forms of ID, a microchip cannot be lost, altered, or removed.

  • Increased Chances of Reunion: Microchipped pets are more likely to be reunited with their owners if they get lost. An American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) study found that dogs with microchips are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners, and for cats, the difference in return rate was even more dramatic.

  • Proof of Ownership: In cases of pet theft or disputes, a microchip can serve as a permanent record of ownership.

Keeping Your Information Up to Date

Having your pet microchipped is only the first step. Ensuring that the contact information linked to the chip is current is equally important. In that same AVMA study, they found that of the microchipped animals who weren't returned to their owners, the most common reason was an incorrect or disconnected owner telephone number in the microchip registry database. Here’s why updating your information matters:

  • Quick and Accurate Contact: If your pet goes missing and is found, having up-to-date contact information ensures that you can be reached promptly.

  • Changes in Ownership: If you adopt a pet or rehome one, updating the microchip information to reflect the new owner’s details is crucial.

  • Changes in Contact Information: Moving to a new address or changing your phone number? Don’t forget to update your pet’s microchip details!

How to Check and Update Your Pet's Microchip Information

  1. Check the Chip: Take your pet to a vet or animal shelter to have their microchip scanned. This will ensure the chip is functioning correctly and will help you retrieve the chip number if you don’t have it on file.

  2. Contact the Microchip Registry: Use the chip number to contact the registry. If you’re not sure which registry your pet’s chip is associated with, you can use an online lookup tool to find out.

  3. Update Your Information: Provide the registry with your current contact details. This usually involves filling out a form online or contacting the registry directly.

  4. Confirm the Update: Double-check that the information has been updated correctly. Some registries may send a confirmation email or letter.

At RAL, we encourage all pet owners to take a moment on Check the Chip Day to ensure their pet’s microchip information is current. If your pet isn’t microchipped yet, consider getting it done as soon as possible. It’s a small investment that can make a world of difference in reuniting you with your furry friend.


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