Guide to Holiday Travel With Pets
The holiday season is synonymous with travel, and for pet owners, the idea of leaving their furry friends behind can be heartbreaking. Traveling with pets requires careful planning to ensure their safety and well-being.
Financial Assistance for Vet Care
List of organizations/sites that offer financial assistance for veterinary care.
Emergency and Urgent Care Clinics
List of Emergency and Urgent Care Vets in the Richmond area.
Vet Resources
List of area low-cost vet clinics, low-cost spay/neuter, low-cost/free vaccines.
13 Ringworm Kittens
We just became the proud shelter parents of 13 kittens with ringworm. Learn how you can help them.
Landon & His Liver Shunt
Landon is a sweet kitten who we suspect has a liver shunt. Follow his journey here as we confirm the diagnosis and treat him.
Canine Influenza Impact at RAL
The impact of canine influenza on Richmond Animal League and steps we are taking to prevent the spread of CIV and care for our dogs.
Canine Influenza: What You Need to Know
Canine influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that primarily affects dogs. Understanding its causes, symptoms, transmission, and preventive measures is essential for dog owners and those working with dogs in kennels, shelters, or dog parks.
Fievel & His Fixators
Fievel is one of the many pets who arrive at RAL with more complicated medical needs. Now he’s ready for adoption, thanks to our excellent team and veterinarian friends.
Woofstock 2023 Gallery
Woofstock 2023 was one for the record books, here are the pictures to prove it!
Heartworm Disease
Heartworm disease is a severe and potentially lethal illness that affects pets in all 50 states and is on the rise. How can you protect your pet?
The Incomparable Conrad
We’re taking a deep dive into special boy Conrad. He’s truly an amazing doggo and we want the world to know just what he has overcome while remaining a goofy, floppy delight.
All About Barn Cats
Barn cats are cats who tolerate the company of people but are not suited to live in close contact with them or cats who are shy or fearful of people and prefer the company of other cats and animals.
Feline Leukemia (FeLV)
FeLV, or Feline Leukemia Virus, is a virus that affects a cat’s immune system. It isn't a form of cancer but a virus that may weaken the immune system. Cats with FeLV can live everyday, happy lives—they may just have a shorter life expectancy than FeLV negative cats.
Canine Cushing’s Disease
Cushing's disease is a condition affecting the adrenal gland. While there is no cure, it can be treated with medication or surgery (depending on the type).
The Loving Spay+Neuter Clinic has become aware of several suspected or confirmed panleukopenia virus outbreaks in our area's colonies. Please read for more information.
Feline Diabetes
Diabetes in cats is a treatable condition, and with adequate management at home, the prognosis for a good quality of life is expected.
Heartworm Disease in Cats
While heartworm disease in dogs is well-known, many pet owners are not aware of its impact on cats.